Have a cool wallpapers and clean is the dream of every owner of the phone, but to realize it, sometimes it takes time is not short, not necessarily pick and choose we get it. to realize that dream, we have provided eight themes with cool wallpapers and clean, and free for you, swf digital clock wallpaper with style dock, cool icon stylish flat, modern screensavers and music player skins available
- Flash lite
- Screensaver
- Static style
- Stunning icon
- Flat element
- Music skin
Vopor triangle
FL wallpaper with media skin
FL wallpaper without media skin
Static wallpaper without media skin
Vopor grass
FL wallpaper with media skin
FL wallpaper without media skin
Static wallpaper without media skin
#Digital clock widget swf theme s40 240x320 #Java themes s40 240x320 #nokia 2700 themes #nokia 2730 themes #Nokia 3600 slide theme #nokia 3720 themes #nokia 5130 themes #nokia 5300 themes #nokia 5310 themes #nokia 5330 themes #nokia 5610 themes #nokia 6233 themes #nokia 6300 themes #nokia 6700 themes #nokia theme nth download Colors & pattern Digital clock themes for Nokia java Flat ui Nature nokia 206 themes Static wallpaper java themes Swf clock widget nth java themes
semua tema res 240×320 kompatible u/ nokia 110 ane gan, paling cuma wallpaper jam(screensaver) z yang kurang menutupi semua layar tp ane akalin pake Photosnap mobile bwt resize layar ke 128×160,thanks atas eksekusi request FFOS ama CMnya
OK oK..
resolusi 240×320 udah di uji coba, kompatible kok gan ane udah sedot,thanks
ry bru bales ponsel ane res. 128×160, itu jga gpp lbih dari ckup ijin sedot gan suhu
nnti sya cba buatin,, yg vrsi vopor ini, tpi tnpa di uji di prangkt gan nnti klau ada bugs tlong komen ajh
lg gan Firefox OS boot dropbox*com/s/7omc7yyf2kud1ix/FFOS*zip?dl=0
buat 240×400 apa 240×320 bro
Coba dlu ne yg FOS 240×400 dl*dropboxusercontent*com/u/30580083/Wallpaper/FOS*zip
yg cyanogen agak lma gpp y, coz drubah dlu satu2 ke 480×800
yg full berat banget loadnya lmbat pdhl udah 0.01 second tu dh pling cpat dan stu lagi cma 15 frame ini CMnya dl*dropboxusercontent*com/u/30580083/Wallpaper/CM*zip
gan request animasi gif,, bwt boot screen hape ane dong nih ane ada bhannya dropbox*com/s/hjj26kfg98e6h3t/bootanimation*zip?dl=0 thanks sebelumnya,,, oh y mkasih bwt kunci layar JBnya
Ane lihat dlu ya.. ok
Please make for nokia asha 311.
You should also make a theme with circular icons similar to the ones you used in your christmas themes.
I wanted the parrot theme goo.gl/Ki3QGl but sadly i don’t have a credit card 🙁
Oh gitu.. thanks ya gan sudah dijawab pertanyaan ane.. tapi klo bisa kedepannya buat juga untuk versi touch and type ya gan.. soalnya kalo pake yg versi itu tidak cocok untuk touch and type ane.. thanks..
Amir@ device untuk pengujian blum ada.. mw pke sdk servernya lelet .. jdi y blum bsa gan
Gan buat yg touch and type ada gak? Coba buatin dong gan.. Thanks