Theme with wallpaper triangle for Nokia s40 with and without swf, latest theme at the end of the month for those who have Nokia s40 240×320 not for touch screens. cool features like, fake icon galaxy s5, custom on-screen keys, elements, and media skin if your phone supports.
Static theme can be used in Nokia Asha 206, Asha 207, Asha 208, Nokia 301, Nokia 515, X2-00, X2-02, X2-05, C2-05, 6303i and other s40x320 not touch and Flash Lite (FL or SWF) does not work on Nokia Asha 206, Asha 207, Asha 208, Nokia 301, Nokia 515, but other elements still able to work, except for flash lite wallpapers, absolutely can not be used on the devices mentioned above
Compatible device for theme Triangle S5 static
- Asha 206
- Asha 207
- Asha 208
- Nokia 301
- Nokia 515
- Nokia X2-00
- Nokia X2-02
- Nokia X2-05
- Nokia C2-05
- Nokia6303i
- Other Nokia s40 240×320 not touch
Flash lite with music skin
Static without music skin
Flash lite without music skin
What a great S5 theme, i hope you also make S6 theme in future…
thanks 🙂
Beautiful S6 theme, works perfectly in my 5130. The scrollbar is amazing, keep giving us fantastic themes. Wb7themes is the best!
thanks 🙂