Spiderman swf clock theme now free, a summary of its: analog clock and date, digital clock screensaver cool, cool spider wallpaper, custom icons custom graphics element music player skin etc, see the screenshot as an example of the theme.
Compatible for Nokia X2-00, X2-02, X2-05, 6303i classic mobile phone with and without support flash lite, for mobile phones unsupported flash-lite Asha 206, Asha 207, Asha 208, Asha 301, Asha 515
- Flash lite Analog clock (depending on the device)
- Available without FL wallpaper
- Custom icon
- Custom element
- Custom music player skin (depending on the device)
- HQ wallpaper
- etc
Spiderman swf wallpaper with media skin
Swf wallpaper without media skin
Static wallpaper
#nokia 2700 themes #nokia 2730 themes #Nokia 3600 slide theme #nokia 5300 themes #nokia 5310 themes #nokia 5330 themes #nokia 5610 themes #nokia 6233 themes #nokia 6280 themes #Nokia 6500 classic themes #nokia 6500 themes #nokia 6600 slide themes #Nokia 7390 themes #Nokia 7900 Crystal Prism theme #Nokia 7900 Prism theme Analog clock themes for Nokia java Entertainment Spiderman Static wallpaper java themes