Lovely pink theme Asha 300 touch type 240×320

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Cool content has indeed become everyone’s dream and has a cool theme also makes users feel happy. Lovely pink theme, inspired by the theme of smart phones and we make two theme for Nokia s40 phones touch and type. two options with and without swf theme wallpaper, custom icons, custom elements, ringtone, ready to decorate your phone screen.

Lovely pink themes Asha 300 303 C2-02 C2-03 6303  x3-02 c3-01 touch typ

Download the Nokia Touch and type theme with Opera Mini 8, with a choice of languages based on your country, download it here for Opera Mini 8. If the Nokia s40 can’t download it, you can use a PC or Symbian Os Anna Os Belle Os.


  • Custom icon
  • Startup shutdown animated
  • Custom element
  • Static wallpaper (if the device does not support flash lite)
  • Battery indicator (only for devices that support Flash Lite)
  • Signal indicator (only for devices that support Flash Lite)
  • Digital clock screensaver (if device supported)

Lovely pink themes Flash lite wallpaper

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Lovely pink themes Static wallpaper


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