Grass and sky theme Asha 311 310 305 full touch

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Grass and sky style theme for users Asha full touch 240×400 px, green as the main color for elements, custom font color and beautiful icons.

Grass and sky theme Asha 311 310 309 308 306 305 full touch

Other features found on the dial pad background and notifications, also has customizable alarm background.

Download Grass and sky theme s40 Asha full touch



  1. prem

    Dial pad and notification image same
    this is not good

    use different
    check mail

  2. prem

    good job and fantastic theme

    awesome font adjustment

  3. nandha

    Nyc …i want metro icons theme…reason: iam changed all apps icon to metro ui icons…

  4. madheswara

    thanks. ..
