After successfully publishing Glossy theme for Nokia C3-00, the series is now glossy clock for Nokia X2-00, X2-02, X2-05 and 6303i classic. There are five different color variants on the theme of Glossy clock series. The main style wallpaper in outer space, with an analog clock and date plus screensaver. For icons, modification from symbian anna and each has a different skin music.
Glossy clock green
FL wallpaper without media skin
Glossy clock purple
FL wallpaper with media skin
FL wallpaper without media skin
Glossy clock pink
FL wallpaper with media skin
FL wallpaper without media skin
Glossy clock red
FL wallpaper with media skin
FL wallpaper without media skin
Glossy clock blue
FL wallpaper with media skin
FL wallpaper without media skin
#Flash lite theme s40 240x320 #Java themes s40 240x320 #nokia 2700 themes #nokia 2730 themes #Nokia 3600 slide theme #nokia 3720 themes #nokia 5130 themes #nokia 5300 themes #nokia 5310 themes #nokia 5330 themes #nokia 5610 themes #nokia 6233 themes #nokia 6300 themes #nokia 6700 themes Analog clock themes for Nokia java Colors & pattern Swf clock widget nth java themes