Desktop 10 theme X2-00 240×320 s40

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Windows 10 is a personal computer operating system developed by Microsoft as part of Windows NT family of operating systems. Introduced on September 30, 2014, was released on July 29, 2015.

Desktop windows 10 theme X2-00 240×320 s40

Desktop 10 theme by Wb7themes is the file to personalize the Nokia S40 240×320 based phones, the nth file is a way to make us do not get bored with the look of our mobile phones. by default this Desktop 10 theme brings a number of cool features and stunning, such as battery indicator, signal, ringtones, startup and shutdown animation plus tone.


  • Flash lite wallpaper
  • Static wallpaper
  • Signal bar indicators
  • Battery bar indicators
  • Startup shutdown animated
  • Startup shutdown tone
  • Messages allert tone

Download Windows 10 desktop Swf with media skin

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Download Windows 10 desktop Swf without media skin

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Download Desktop 10 Static without media skin



  1. prem

    yes problem end by using standard theme but i need mediaskin designe by you

    in link awesome mediaskin theme
    never designe this type mediaskin only 1 times

    ple make this type

    also make like miuiv6(designe by you ) theme,s mediaskin by change background image

    designe diwali theme /more wpx
    /wp8 theme /live nature -morning-noon-eveining-night- srar…………
    yes problem end by using standard theme but i need mediaskin designe by you

    in link awesome mediaskin theme
    never designe this type mediaskin only 1 times

    ple make this type

    also make like miuiv6(designe by you ) theme,s mediaskin by change background image

    designe diwali theme /more wpx
    /wp8 theme /live nature -morning-noon-eveining-night- srar…………

  2. prem

    yes problem end by using standard theme but i need mediaskin designe by you

    in link awesome mediaskin theme
    never designe this type mediaskin only 1 times

    ple make this type

    also make like miuiv6(designe by you ) theme,s mediaskin by change background image

    designe diwali theme /more wpx
    /wp8 theme /live nature -morning-noon-eveining-night- srar…………

  3. Treyvon

    Brother i have an idea for a new theme, if you not busy make theme based on OnePlus 2 smartphone using flat oxygen os icons, ringtones, swf, etc wikipedia org wiki One Plus 2 wikipedia org wiki OxygenOS

  4. Jack

    Download static wallpaper link not working.
    Also tried https
    please admin give a solution.
    Love wb7 themes

    • wb7themes

      if you use opera mini, click on the menu – click on O options – click settings – click privacy – clear history and cookies. and try to re-load the page downloads. If the problem persists, restart your device and try again go to the download page. thanks.

  5. prem

    By useing theme,s media skin recording option / button not seem in FM RADIO
    This is the biggest problem of radio media skin in X202 PHONE
    ALL THEME 2011 TO 2015 disigne error theme by every theme maker

    “make media skin like given in link but change background image-

    amazing font color use in this theme made by you
    make more theme in this style

  6. prem

    By useing theme,s media skin recording option / button not seem in FM RADIO
    This is the biggest problem of radio media skin in X202 PHONE
    ALL THEME 2011 TO 2015 disigne error theme by every theme maker

    “make media skin like given in link but change background image

    amazing font color use in this theme made by you
    make more theme in this style

    • wb7themes

      Thank you for your feedback we will we will follow up this issue. whether the theme without media skin, works well on radio player?

  7. uwarz

    Windows 10 mobile aja gan :/ tema wp 8 yg lama dimodifikasi :/

    • wb7themes

      buat pos selanjutnya mungkin..

  8. Treyvon

    Finally i downloaded after following your advice and added https to the link, thanks for great theme

  9. Miftacool

    Tolong buat juga donk untuk Nokia C3-00

  10. Treyvon

    Download link of swf with media skin not working 🙁 it keeps reloading the download page

    • wb7themes

      add https:// eg: before: http://
      after: https:// on dropbox link

  11. lekhooa

    Wb7 always best,thnx admin

    • wb7themes

      ok.. thk..
