Wave blue carbon theme Asha 302 210 205 200 201 C3-00 X2-01

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The theme of Wave blue carbon for users of Asha 302 210 205 200 201 C3-00 X2-01 is now available with a choice of clock widgets swf and static wallpapers. custom elements with a combination of gradient blue transparent, custom latest style icons.

Wave blue carbon swf clock widget theme 302 210 205 200 201 C3-00 X2

Download it easier with Opera Mini, download on https://goo.gl/ngYrt1

Swf wallpaper

Download nth file size 791 kb

Static wallpaper

Download nth file size 582 kb

Old version

Download nth file Size 600 KB ADVERTISEMENTS


  1. SirCrag

    This the is Premium, classic looks and design. You’re definitely taking it to the next level. Love it.

    • wb7themes

      Wb7themes @Sircrag Your comments are spirit for us, thank you very much.
